Sunday, August 4, 2013
Surfing Democracy November 25-26 2013

From the Surfing Democracy 2012:

- Working on true bottom up subsidiarity
- Surfing Democracy - Dynamic Facilitation and Wisdom Councils

Now Surfing Democracy will go into its second round:

Surfing ist about Balancing and about doing the right thing in the right moment. It is the same in politics. So we started "Surfing Democracy": a two-day gathering, where people from anywher, can learn from their practice in participatory processes. We want to address officials in public authorities of communities, regions or states, people from science or practitioners.

Our aim is to create a common learning field for people who are working on the issue of participation. We want to continue on that so people can gain more clarity how to do their work in a better way.

No participation fee! You just have to pay for your traveling expenses, accomodation and food. A more detailed programme and time schedule will follow.


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